A collection of half-inebriated, non-sequitur rants and ramblings from the hellish mondane world of retail pharmacy.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Not all that angry, just a little surly

Well, I'm not really all that angry about it, but its become apparent that some people actually read this tripe that I spit out, so, I feel somewhat obligated to post something soon.

There are many things that people do in their cars, and in the drive thru in general that just fucking piss me off. Here are some recent ones that come to memory.

1) While your car is still rolling forward to the window, and your driver's side window is still rolling down, don't start barking out your name to me. Give me the courtesy of coming to a stop and let your window roll down all the way. I'm not interested in setting the world's record for fastest Rx pickup. Slow the fuck down dickhead.

2) Very similar to the above person, but at the end. Most people have the social skills to realize when both people involved in a conversation have more or less decided to end it. The subject matter has been concluded, and each person's voice takes on a unique tone, and often there are closing remarks like 'Thanks', or 'Have a nice day', or 'I'm calling the cops you fucking crackhead.' However, I had one person that chose a different method. They just rolled up their window. I'm not sure they ever finished their sentence, but the conversation did end when the window was up. I wanted to put my foot through that damn window.

3) The last one for today. It was rush hour, our drive thru was full of cars, and moving slowly. There was antibiotic reconstitution and fairly lengthy counseling involved. I can understand how this might frustrate some of the people waiting in line. They need to remember, however, that the drive thru of a pharmacy is for convenience, not necessarily blazing fast speed. Like I say, 'You can have your Rx now, or you can have it correct.' Anyways, some dickhole starts honking their horn. Now I'm pissed, and my patient feels embarrassed. Fine, whatever, leave it at that asshat, we get the idea. But no, they had to call us inside, from their cell phone to make sure the person in front of them was being helped. What a dick. Thats a real smart fucking move. Be a total annoyance to the person that has, and will continue to be looking over your well being and prescriptions for the next several years. Fortunately for me, I think he is an alcoholic, and its only a matter of time before he is prescribed some Flagyl. (Nerdy pharmacist joke)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in the midst of studying for a board exam, and you made me laugh out loud with this one. Thanks.

8:53 AM


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