Ugh, dermatologists
What is the fucking deal with dermatologists? As a group, they prefer to write for brand only medications far more often than any other group of physicians. I have yet to see a generic version of Mycolog formulated in cow shit instead of your typical excipients and fillers. Never mind that probably more variation in absorption and end net effect results from unpredictable use, globbing that goo on thicker than necessary and lack of compliance. No, they insist that only the brand will do. Do they really think that any of the inert ingredients is really going to have that much of a significan clinical effect? Afterall, that really is all that can be different in the generic version. Their kick backs from the pharma companies must be huge.
The one that really takes the cake is Adoxa. Its fucking doxycycline, and its oral. Fuck that. Cram your studies and shove it. Its doxycycline, plain and simple. Just prescribe the generic.
Okay, I'll grant physicians that they may not be totally familiar with the specifics of how generics compare to their branded counterparts. But, around my area, the primary abuser of this brand-a-thon is also a pharmacist! WTF? I don't get it. Maybe its just me. Hopefully not all dermatologists are this bad.
Anyone happen to see the episode of Scrubs where they call for a derm. consult? The dermatologist just about shits his pants he finally has something to do. If it weren't for skin cancer dermatologists would be completely worthless. Right up there with chiropractors. I hate chiropractors.