A collection of half-inebriated, non-sequitur rants and ramblings from the hellish mondane world of retail pharmacy.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


So, I am sitting here, drinking some whiskey, watching Sportscenter, and the issue about whether or not the whole gamut of sluggers that were more or less tied to steroid use should gain entrance to the baseball hall of fame. I personally doubt that steroids is all that significant to the ability of one to hit a baseball the requisite distance needed to round the bases. Its far more important that solid contact be made with the ball than massive muscles be swinging the bat. Its a speed and contact issue, not strength. Anyways, it reminded me of an episode at work this last week...

I get a call from a guy asking for, and I quote, 25 gauge half inch needles, sans the syringe. Just the needle. Methinks this is an awfully specific request, but, being in a decent mood (the week was almost over) I played dumb, and told him we had some. Oh, and for what its worth, I asked this very young sounding guy what he needed them for, and he claimed diabetes. Sure, whatever.

So, dingleberry shows up, and he is quite a sight. He is probably, oh, 21, wearing a hooded sweatshirt, tight like spandex from his enormous upper body he squeezed into it. This is the point at which I remember that I can deny him sale if I suspect he does not have a legitimate medical need for said needles. Anyways, I give him the run around, he gets flustered, and I have a good time. The part of it all that I love the most is when I ask him what medication he is injecting. He claims his physician hasn't prescribed it yet. Yeah, I get that a lot. Lots of people telling me they need some insulin syringes, but their physician is keeping which insulin a big super secret happy suprise. It makes your diabetes more festive. Hooray! There's cake for everyone! (Except you, you have diabetes).


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